Medicaid makes it possible for more than 83 million children, seniors, people with disabilities, and low-income adults to get the medical care they need and deserve. POCEF is committed to protecting, strengthening and expanding Medicaid. In 2019, we declared April to be an annual “Medicaid Awareness Month.” We conduct a wide range of educational programs to raise awareness of the importance of Medicaid. The POCEF will educate the public about the need to:
Protecting, Strengthening and Expanding Medicaid

- Close the coverage gap in the 10 states that have not expanded.
- Protect health coverage for the millions of Americans, including as many as 6.7 million children, who may lose their access to care when the public health emergency declared during the pandemic is lifted.
- Defeat efforts on the national and/or state level that make it more difficult for eligible people to enroll in Medicaid.